Too Much of a Good Thing? The Dilemma of Being an Overachiever

Do you remember the story of the tortoise and the hare? The hare is always in a rush, while the tortoise moves at its own slow, relaxed pace. Surprisingly, when the two race each other, the tortoise comes in first, proving that sometimes slow and steady wins the race. Yes, this is merely a fable. … Read more

So…Whatever Happened to Your New Year’s Resolutions?

Lose 20 pounds. Find a husband. Makeover every room the Marie Kondo way. How’s it going? At the beginning of your shiny new year, all of your New Year’s Resolutions probably seemed possible and hopes of accomplishing your goals were high. But now, just a few months in, well…not anymore. You don’t meal prep the … Read more

What Makes Us Unique

Portland Psychotherapy is a clinic, research & training center with a unique business model that funds scientific research. This results in a team of therapists who are exceptionally well-trained and knowledgeable about their areas of specialty.